Wednesday, February 6, 2013

FAU KWANZAA ACCORD 2013 BLACK HISTORY MONTH DAY 7 CALL at 6:00 PM EST 7 FEB 2013 at Dial-in Number: 213.493.0700 with Participant Access Code: 106132#

Graphics are what will drive next gen content with 300 mips wireless.  FAU is building a next gen [5G] network with USPTP 5,577,042 and C7ISR at its core.

FAU KWANZAA ACCORD 2013 BLACK HISTORY MONTH DAY 7 CALL at 6:00 PM EST 7 FEB 2013 at Dial-in Number: 213.493.0700 with Participant Access Code: 106132#

We discuss how Friends of the African Union can make that network happen from a HQ in Cincinnati.  To be announced today at the LA Black Film Festival as we promote creation of the Cincinnati Black Film and Multimedia Festival during the 2013 OKI Urban Tech Fair.

Bambou Ada Diagne is in charge of the FAU Womens track that includes media by women in film, print, art and performance; a girls STEM Exposition and Science Fair; women in leadership such as those at xerox, tribal and universities; fashion makers and hairdressers; the business of FAME for women; everything you wanted to know about Title IX; community reinvestment actions for women and financial literacy, and; black women leaders through the ages

Friday, January 4, 2013

FAU KWANZAA ACCORDS 2013 PLANNING CALL on Jan 5 at 6:00 PM EST at Dial-in Number 213.493.0700 with Access Code 106132 #

 Unity in 2013 means what?
FAU ACCORDS 2013 PLANNING CALL on Jan 5 at 6:00 PM EST at Dial-in Number 213.493.0700 with Access Code 106132 (#)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cleveland Change 2020 Comprehensive Plan

In Cleveland + Cincinnati MDi will use a systems topology where public safety will be able to perform over-the-air updates to devices, allow for access to external and local databases and networks, have access to subscribers’ user status, and have the ability to create, modify, delete, and update user and group records, profiles and configurations. At the same time, it will have all of the advanced features of the MDi Integrated Secure Wireless Managed Services as supplied by carriers on a means tested basis. Cincinnati Change who will be dba the NEO Alliance for Change which will be in charge of the deployment of the system and providing for the means testing with strategic enterprise public and private sector partners in Cleveland with its own 11 Member Managing board of directors.

We have been planning black history based on the trillion dollars we have circulating through the African American community.

We expect to leverage state and federal grant money to create a network that will support a health care service network to 500M people worldwide by 2012 from a service bureau network in Ohio and selected foreign countries including Haiti, Brazil, Chile, Senegal, Liberia, Guinea, Zimbabwe and Nigeria.

We get on the bus on 9 March 2010 to reach Washington DC on 10 March 2010.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

NEO Alliance for Change wants to bring some of that 500 Billion Dollars to NEO.

Barack Obama's first fiscal year has started. The US Gov will purchase over 500 billion dollars worth of goods and services in Fiscal year 2010.

  • GDP $14.441 trillion ie The US Economy
  • 40.7 million[African American Citizens of the United States [[1]13.5% of the total U.S. population]
  • African American Business Receipts with a combined buying power of over $892 billion currently and likely over $1.1 trillion by 2012.[
  • In 2002 African-American owned businesses accounted for 1.2 million of the US's 23 million businesses.
  • The 1.2 million black-owned businesses in the United States employe more than 756,000 people and generate nearly $89 billion in business revenues.
  • Almost 4 in 10 black-owned businesses (38 percent) were owned by women.
  • New York had the most black owned firms, followed by California, Florida, Georgia, and Texas
To: The Citizens of the United States

From: Dr. Robert Day, Convener, National Fairness and Growth Symposiums and Joseph Debro, General Chairman, National Fairness and Growth Campaign Committee

50 years or is it 400 Years = less than 1% (ie .99%) nationally according to the US Census Bureau or less than a half of one percent (ie .4955%) in Ohio of all business revenue earned by African Americans. What has been the ramifications and implications of these shameful, tragic figures on the economic health of black communities and the country as a whole?

Now is the time for a change.

The ramifications and the implications of these shameful, tragic figures on the economic health of Black communities are staggering. This lack of economic parity has led to higher crime rates, higher rates of imprisonment, higher rates of unemployment and lower educational achievement. This downward spiral in the Black community effects the whole country.

This letter is written to inform the country of the steps that our virtual organization has taken and our plans for the future. We think that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and its counterpart, other recovery initiatives, the general budget provides an opportunity to redress some of the systemic and personal economic equalities.

The National Fairness and Growth Campaign has created a grassroots campaign of practitioners who have a long term operational knowledge of past practices . These business people are very familiar with the philosophies, strategies, approaches, programs and projects ostensibly designed to address the history and practices of discrimination towards African Americans that levels the playing field. By extension we also address discriminatory practices towards other groups

The National Fairness and Growth Campaign will be a significant advocate for the "greening" of America especially in its vulnerable communities. The Campaign does not have negative presumptions regarding current planning or execution of the Congress or President Obama’s administration budget or initiatives. We seek to provide solutions gained from the hard earned insight into potential enforcement of existing public laws, regulations, new initiatives and programs through the use of “Best Practices” that level the playing field(s).

The National Fairness and Growth Campaign seeks not to have negative presumptions regarding the current planning or execution of the ARRA and TARP or the FY 2010 general budget. We seek to provide solutions gained from the hard earned insight into potential enforcement of existing public laws, regulations and new initiatives and programsthrough the use of “Best Practices” to Erase the Digital Divide.

In erasing the Digital divide we reject the notion that there is not available a shovel ready American next generation workforce ready to be trained. We are calling on creating a public private partnership that would oversee a possible investment of over $260,000,000,000 in a million American youth over a ten year period starting no later than December 31, 2010 is made to create a next generation workforce in 25 Urban Areas, 25 Statewide Rural Regions and 10 Native American Tribal lands.

This is a follow up to our previous symposium regarding our concerns and hopes relative to the very fast moving American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan (ARRP), now public law as of February 17th, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and its counterpart the TARP initiatives and implementation of the FY2010 Budget.

It is our plan to develop aoer the next two weeks a development strategy that will support over a million students on connected campus around the nation. It would also connect a total of 500 million people via our global public private sector distance learning infrastructure that will Erase the Digital Divide. This includes 200 million people living in the United States and 300 million people in other countries. It is to be built a multinational shovel ready patent protected next generation third frontier digital infrastructure that supports a logistics infrastructure built around the United States Postal Service.

It will be financed in it's prototype state by a 200 million dollar underwriting according to the Principles and Findings of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign and all current federal state and local laws, including Presidential order in force as approved by the US Attorney General.

All this will be financed as a private public partnership under current federal law, agency and department funding and Presidential Orders. It will employ over 60,000 people by September 2010. It is our goal starting with Cincinnati to enroll a million people in schools and colleges by December 2010 to become part of the Change in Americas workforce.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

John Oatternson Green the founder of Labor Day in Ohio

The NEO Alliance for Change joins the Cleveland Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists in Commemoration of the Father of Labor Day, the Honorable John Patterson Green (1845-1940)

Representative John Patterson Green (1845-1940Align CenterThe Cleveland Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists which consists of members from seventy-seven international and national unions recognizes John Patterson Green’s legislative sponsorship of Labor Day in Ohio. House Bill 500 was passed on April 28, 1890 and consisted of one sentence:

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, that the first Monday in September of each and every year shall be known as Labor Day . . .”

In 1894, the U.S. Congress passed a bill making Labor Day a national holiday.

Patterson Green’s efforts preceded the accomplishments of organized labor leaders such as A. Philip Randolph, Sleeping Car Porters; John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers; Philip Murray, United Steel Workers; Jimmy Hoffa,Teamsters; Walter Reuther, United Auto Workers; and Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers.

Born in New Bern, North Carolina, John Patterson Green became Cleveland’s first black lawyer and first black elected official (Justice of the Peace) and was also the second African-American elected to serve in the Ohio House of Representatives in 1882.

John P. Green's parents were African-Americans, but free. Too poor to attend school, he worked as a harness maker, a tailor, and a waiter before writing and self-publishing Miscellaneous Subjects by a Self-Educated Colored Youth when he was 21. After the book's success, he attended high school and law school, and became one of the first black elected officials north of the Mason-Dixon line when he was elected Justice of the Peace in Cleveland, in 1873. In 1881 he was elected to the Ohio House, and in 1891 he was elected to the Ohio Senate.

In addition to Miscellaneous Subjects by a Self-Educated Colored Youth (1866) he wrote Recollections of the Inhabitants, Localities, Superstitions and KuKlux Outrages of the Carolinas (1880) and Fact Stranger than Fiction (1920, autobiography)

As a legislator, he sponsored 21 bills favorable to labor issues, including House Bill 500 in 1890, which established a state holiday honoring working men and women. Labor unions had staged annual parades and picnics since 1882, but Green's bill made Labor Day an official holiday in Ohio, to be celebrated on the first Monday of September, effective in 1891. Three years later the US Congress followed suit, making Labor Day a national holiday. After leaving the State Assembly, Green worked for many years as a lawyer and postal official, and at the time of his death -- struck by a streetcar at the age of 95 -- he was the oldest attorney practicing in Ohio.

During his second elected term in 1890, the state of Ohio enacted Labor Day legislation that earned him the title “Father of Labor Day in Ohio.” The former common laborer and lawyer wanted to honor all working men and women in Ohio with the idea of establishing a holiday to celebrate the contributions of workers (not politicians).

The Honorable John Patterson Green served three successive terms in the Ohio General Assembly, including two terms in the House of Representatives (1882-1883 and 1890-1891). In 1892, he was elected to the Ohio Senate, making him the first African-American elected to a state senate north of the Mason-Dixon Line in the United States. While serving as an Ohio state legislator, John Patterson Green sponsored and supported 21 major bills on behalf of labor.

During his professional and legislative career, he counted among his closest friends Mr. & Mrs. John D. (Ms. Lara C. Spellman) Rockefeller, Marcus A. Hanna and George A. Myers—all captains of industry. He also was a friend of and assisted Civil Rights leaders, such as Harry Smith, Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglas, Charles Chestnut, and other black leaders of his day.

Mr. Green was also befriended by and received appointments to federal positions by Presidents James A. Garfield and William McKinley. Of all his associations and accomplishments, however, the Honorable John Patterson Green was most proud of his work to honor all working men and women of this nation by initiating Labor Day.

Robert E. Saffold is a former member of Laborers Local 935 in Warren and was elected union department chairman of Local 1375 United Steelworkers of America (Republic Steel) in Warren. He is a registered lobbyist for the Ohio Minority Contractors Association and current chairman and CEO of the African-American Business and Contractors Association Inc. This material on John Patterson Green was researched at the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio by Minister Robert E. Saffold. He was project coordinator for the research and publication of this piece for the Cleveland chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists.

Since its founding conference in 1972, The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) stature among African American workers has grown. Currently, more than 77 different international and national unions are represented in CBTU. With 50 chapters nationwide and one in Ontario, Canada, CBTU is maximizing the strength and influence of black workers in unions and empowering their communities.